Orthotic insoles: The 3 things you should know before shopping for them

Biocorrect, LLC


When you’re experiencing issues with your foot, such as pain or instability, then a podiatrist will likely recommend orthotic insoles to help boost your support and comfort. Orthotic insoles can provide many benefits, such as a decreased risk of injury and ankle stability, but it’s important to do your research first. That’s what we’re here for!   

Read on to learn about the basics of orthotic insoles and what you should know before starting to shop around for your perfect fit.

What is an orthotic insole?

Let’s start off by defining what an orthotic insole is. An orthotic insole, sometimes known as a foot bed, is a custom-made medical device that is used to help decrease foot pain and condition symptoms. 

An orthotic insole can be prescribed by a health care provider to help address:

  • Arthritis. 
  • Flat feet or high arches.
  • Hammer toes. 
  • Bunions.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Bursitis of the heel.
  • Pain from diabetes.
  • Heel spurs.

3 things you should know before shopping for orthotic insoles

Finding the right orthotics shouldn’t just be a quick decision. It requires thought and research because you are likely going to use them for years. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of things to keep in mind as you start shopping for insoles.

When you start looking at orthotic insole options, it’s important to remember:

  • Orthotics versus inserts — People often assume that orthotics and shoe inserts are the same thing. While shoe inserts can be purchased over the counter for additional foot support, orthotics are personalized to fit your feet to address pain and medical conditions. Orthotics also have a longer life span than inserts, as orthotics can last several years while inserts may start to lose their cushioning after about six months. 

  • Consider your lifestyle — Someone who spends most of their time sitting at a desk won’t need the same type of foot support as a professional athlete. When you’re shopping for orthotics, it’s important to keep your day-to-day life routines in mind because high activity levels may require additional support and shock absorption.

  • Your specific issues — If you’re being prescribed orthotics, it’s likely because you went to a podiatrist because you were feeling pain or discomfort that was interfering with your quality of life. It’s important that your orthotics are made specifically to address the problem that you were diagnosed with, such as plantar fasciitis or flat feet.

  • Biocorrect can guide you through the process of shopping for orthotic insoles

    While it may seem overwhelming to think about the many factors that should be considered while shopping for orthotic insoles, we’re here to help. At Biocorrect, we design custom orthotics that are designed to fit your specific needs. 

    Contact us to learn more about the orthotics we offer or to set up an initial evaluation with one of our certified pedorthists.