Why you should seek help from foot professionals when you need orthotics for heel bone pain

Biocorrect, LLC


Plantar fasciitis. Bone bruises from stepping on a hard object. Achilles tendinitis. These are all issues that can cause you to feel pain in or around your heel bone. 

This type of pain is more common than you might think. One medical study shows that 13% of the people surveyed had heel pain, and this means that almost 43 million Americans could be dealing with heel pain. People with pain in or around their heel bone are likely wondering who to turn to for help. Fortunately, there are foot care professionals who can help you find custom orthotics to address your pain. 

Three reasons you should turn to a foot professional for orthotics for heel bone pain

A pedorthist is a type of foot professional who can help you find orthotics designed to address the pain in or around your heel bone. Unfortunately, far too many people avoid seeing a certified pedorthist or other foot professional when they’re in pain. In fact, researchers report that only one-third of foot pain sufferers will seek expert care.

Here are three reasons that you should get help from a certified pedorthist: 

  1. They can help you find custom orthotics for your pain — Many orthotics brands take a one-size-fits-all approach to building their products. However, this approach fails to take into account the fact that every person’s feet and needs are different. Our certified pedorthists evaluate your gait and feet, and this information is then used to create orthotics specifically tailored to you. 
  1. They can help address the root cause of your pain — Heel pain doesn’t always originate in the heel. It could be rooted in an issue with another part of your lower leg. For instance, a misaligned knee could be affecting how you walk. In turn, this could add stress to your heel and lead to pain. Our orthotic specialists can help you find custom orthotics that are designed to address the root cause of your pain. 
  1. Meeting with one can increase your likelihood of successfully treating pain — The combination of a certified pedorthist’s knowledge and custom orthotics is very effective for foot and heel pain. Our team has a 90% success rate when it comes to helping people reduce foot pain. 

Ready to successfully treat your heel bone pain? Biocorrect is here to help!

Are you struggling to reduce pain in or around your heel bone? Our certified pedorthists at Biocorrect can help you find orthotic solutions designed to address your pain. We offer comprehensive foot evaluations that include a gait analysis and taking foam impressions of your feet. This information is then used to build a fully customized orthotic intended to address the root cause of your pain. 

Contact us today to schedule your foot evaluation or visit our online store to research our full product line, hear from satisfied customers and order the custom foot orthotic solution that fits your needs.