How to get rid of pain on the top of the foot with custom orthotics

Biocorrect, LLC


Do you feel a sharp, stabbing pain or throbbing pain on the top of your foot? Does it leave you feeling irritated and like your mobility has been affected as a result? Fortunately, there is an effective, researched-back treatment for you: custom orthotics. Read about the benefits of custom orthotics for getting rid of pain on the top of the foot.

What are some common causes of pain in the top of the foot?

  • Inflammation of the tendons.

  • Stress fractures.
  • Pinched ligaments.
  • Pinched or compressed nerves.

What are some ways that custom orthotics can help get rid of pain on the top of the foot?

  • Relieve pressure on a nerve — If the pain on the top of your foot is caused by a pinched nerve, custom orthotics may be able to relieve some of the pressure placed on that nerve by supporting the bones, joints and ligaments in the feet.
  • Allow for inflammation to go down — Wearing custom orthotics regularly provides support for the bones, joints, ligaments and muscles of the foot. As a result, less stress and pressure are placed on the part of the foot, helping to relieve inflammation.
  • Address any gait issues — Custom orthotics can address any imbalances in pressure placed on the foot. This can not only reduce pain but also help address any associated issues in gait patterns that may be causing pain.

Biocorrect wants to help get rid of the pain on the top of your foot

Do you have pain on the top of your foot that is bothering you and just won’t go away on its own? Biocorrect's custom foot orthotics lab is especially capable of addressing your unique needs in terms of orthotic support. Our team has considerable experience working with individuals to aim for true foot alignment, including those who need help getting rid of pain on the top of their foot. .

Contact us to learn more about the orthotics we offer or to set up an initial evaluation with one of our certified pedorthists. Looking for more information? Visit our online store today to research our full product line, hear from satisfied customers and order the custom foot orthotic solution that fits your needs.