Do I need orthotics for high arches?

Biocorrect, LLC


The arch of the foot helps our bodies absorb the shock of movement, distribute weight to help with balance and adapt to changes in terrain. If arches don’t have adequate support, it can cause pain. 

What are high arches?

The arch goes from the ball of the foot to the heel. Arches open slightly when the ankle bends and close when extending it. High arches may occur naturally or due to certain conditions, impacting approximately 26% of people.

5 problems linked to high arches

Having high arches can lead to other problems involving your feet. These problems can cause issues such as pain or even impact your gait. These problems include:

  • Plantar fasciitis — Inflammation of the plantar fascia, the ligament which connects the heel to the toes and supports the arches, can cause a stabbing or burning pain. This pain is worse when you first get up but can lessen. 
  • Metatarsalgia — This inflammation of the ball of the foot can cause pain and impacts other parts of the body. It causes pain in the hips and lower back. 
  • Claw toes — This is caused by the toes taking on a claw-like appearance by curling down into the soles of the feet. This inflammation causes pain and may make shoes ill-fitting. 
  • Hammer toes — This deformity causes the toes to bend at the middle joint which creates a hammer or “z” appearance. It causes pain and may eventually need surgery to correct. 
  • Foot and ankle instability — High arches cause the heels to tilt inward toward the middle of the body. This can increase the risk of ankle sprains. 

How to treat high arches?

There are multiple options to help treat high arches and the pain they can cause. These options include but aren’t limited to:

  • Orthotic insolesCustom orthotic insoles can be worn in shoes and can provide extra stability and cushioning to help alleviate pain.
  • Shoes — Properly fitting shoes can help with pain. For high arches, choose shoes with a wider toe box and supportive insoles. Orthotics can also be used in properly fitting shoes for extra support. 
  • Over-the-counter medications (OTC) — OTC medications such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs can help relieve or reduce inflammation and pain. 
  • Physical therapy — Physical therapy exercises can help strengthen your feet and help alleviate pain. 
  • Night splints — Night splints can help stretch the calf muscles and arches while you’re sleeping. 

Biocorrect offers top-notch custom orthotic insoles that can help your high arches

When you’re ready to find custom orthotic insoles to help with your high arches, Biocorrect’s team is ready to help you find the right ones. Our specialists will take foam impressions of your feet which allows us to build orthotics customized to you. These orthotics will provide exactly the right level of arch support you need. 

Contact us to learn more about the orthotics we offer or to set up an initial evaluation with one of our certified pedorthists.