How custom insoles can help with pain in the ball of your foot when walking

Biocorrect, LLC


Dealing with any type of foot pain can keep you from doing many common activities. Playing with your grandkids could become a chore. Walking the dog might become impossible, and these are just a few of the activities you could find difficult. 

Foot pain is far more common than most people think. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 77% of Americans have experienced some form of foot pain. One of the areas of the foot where pain can be especially problematic is the ball of the foot. Fortunately, there are three ways that custom orthotics can address pain in the ball of your foot when walking or doing other common activities. 

Where is the ball of your foot?

The ball of the foot can become painful very easily from too much walking and other issues. Treating these issues is tougher if you don’t know much about this part of your foot. 

The ball of your foot is located between the toes and the arch of your foot, and it’s here that you’ll find an important group of foot bones called metatarsals. These long, curved bones help provide support for the arch and forefoot.

Orthotics can offer these three benefits to people with pain in the ball of the foot when walking

Rest, ice and stretching are all common treatment options for people with pain in the ball of the foot when walking. However, an option that you might not have considered is custom orthotics. 

For many people, orthotics are just something they think older people put in their shoes. But the truth is that they can benefit people of all ages. For instance, a pair of customized orthotic inserts can offer benefits such as: 

  1. Realigning the lower body — Most of us would think that foot pain is caused by an issue with the foot. This is a logical conclusion, but it’s not always true. In fact, misalignments in the lower back, hips, knees and ankles can be the root cause of foot pain. Custom orthotics can be designed to address misalignment in these areas, which can lead to reduced foot pain. 
  1. Increasing arch support — A problem with your arch can easily lead to pain in the ball of the foot when walking. Overarched feet can lead to increased pressure on the ball of the foot. In turn, the greater stress can lead to increased inflammation in the ball of the foot, which can cause pain. Individualized orthotics can address problems with your arch, helping to reduce stress and pain on the ball of the foot. 
  1. Improving forefoot cushioning — Many people land on the ball of their foot when walking or running. But a lack of cushioning in your shoes can leave this area of your foot feeling painful. This is especially true if you do lots of trail running or running on rough surfaces. A team that specializes in custom orthotics can take your normal activities into consideration, and they can design an orthotic for you that provides greater forefoot cushioning. 

Find custom orthotics to address pain in the ball of your foot when walking at Biocorrect

Not sure where to find custom orthotics that can address pain in the ball of your foot when walking? Our Biocorrect team has more than 25 years of experience at helping people find effective custom orthotics. We have experience helping people of all ages and activity levels. 

We offer in-person evaluations designed to help us learn as much as possible about your foot issues. Can’t make it in to see us? No problem! We offer an in-home evaluation kit that can provide us with the information we need to build the custom orthotics that fit your needs. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can help you or take a look at our online store to view the orthotic solutions we offer.