For those suffering from neuropathy, whether due to diabetes, autoimmune disease, or other conditions, walking and being active can be an everyday challenge. Over time, lack of activity and other side effects can compound and make it difficult to balance, even after the underlying condition is treated.
Promising research shoes that textured and/or supportive insoles can help improve balance by providing better sensory feedback and biomechanical support to those suffering from peripheral neuropathy, improving quality of life in a significant way.
Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy, that is, neuropathy that primarily affects the hands and feet, can have a literally destabilizing effect on your life.
If you haven’t gotten a specific diagnosis of neuropathy or your symptoms come and go on occasion, a few symptoms of peripheral neuropathy that might explain them include:
- Numbness or pins and needles in the hands and/or feet
- Sharp, throbbing, or burning pain
- Increased sensitivity to touch or pressure
- Muscle weakness
- Difficulty balancing or falls
The key for treatment is to see a doctor for a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis. Some treatment includes physical therapy and/or assistive devices to help make walking easier, whether your feet are in pain or your balance has been affected.
Neuropathy treatment options
Most people benefit from seeking targeted and comprehensive care for their neuropathy, including medication, chronic disease management, and exercise.
Fortunately, receiving treatment for the underlying cause of your neuropathy and exploring other treatments such as physical therapy can restore normal sensation or help prevent the condition from worsening.
Part of an effective treatment plan may be to incorporate orthotic or textured insoles for those who are also struggling with balance.
Insoles for neuropathy and foot pain
Some people benefit greatly from a simple solution to neuropathy symptoms that affect their feet and ability to walk: custom insoles for neuropathy.
There are several features to look for when choosing an off-the-shelf or custom insole that can address specific symptoms and conditions you may be dealing with.
Textured soles for increased sensation
One of the simplest and most direct benefits of insoles can be for those who struggle with balance after being diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Part of the issue is that the nerves in the feet don’t accurately or fully relay sensory information that is key to balance and proprioception.
Hard- or soft-textured insoles stimulate the nerves and provide stronger feedback to your body’s sense of balance. Some orthotics can be made with built-in texture or textured insoles can be worn on top of a pair of orthotics.
Adjustability for changing needs
People in the process of recovering from conditions like Guillain-Barre or stroke will have a process of recovery that may require different support at different times. At Biocorrect, our orthotics can be made adjustable for those who want to tailor their support to different activities, like walking, running, or standing for long periods, without the need for multiple different insoles.
As your needs, activity level, or comfort level changes, your orthotics will adapt to your lifestyle, rather than requiring you to change your lifestyle to stay comfortable in the same old pair.
Cushioning for decreased pressure
One of the most common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy is hypersensitivity to touch, which can make wearing certain sock materials difficult and shoes nearly impossible.
For those who are still struggling with overly sensitive feet, extra-cushioned insoles can provide a level of comfort that is hard to come by. In the best-case scenarios, this solution allows people to return to a normal routine and better quality of life.
Custom fit for biomechanical support
Above all, it’s important for anyone struggling with burning, sensitive, or numb feet to understand that their condition is unique, no matter how many people receive the same diagnosis. Because all our feet, nerves, and lifestyles are so different, the best insole for you specifically may not be mass-manufactured and available on store shelves or online.
This is why we encourage people to consider a custom orthotic. Not only does it provide a durable, custom-fit product, but it also ensures you receive a full biomechanical evaluation of your feet, legs, and medical history to address any further complications you’ve been dealing with all along. (You’d be surprised how many people have legs of different lengths that cause them chronic pain!)
No matter your condition, symptoms, or budget, finding the right insole for your neuropathy can be a simple and life-changing solution to help you get back to a more normal lifestyle.
Custom orthotics for foot pain and neuropathy by Biocorrect
Curious whether an orthotic or customizable insole might help you get relief from chronic pain? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team, ask any questions you might have, and schedule an evaluation in-person or virtually today. Our team is here to give you the resources and information you need to make an informed decision about the simple steps you can take to have less pain and a better quality of life.