Can insoles for flat feet help your running?

Biocorrect, LLC


If you’re a person who is passionate about running, or wants to be, dealing with pain and injury can be extremely frustrating. Whether you run or jog for fun, fitness or competition, many of us have to contend with a wide range of issues that can have us going in fits and starts. One of the more common of these issues is flat feet — otherwise known as low arches or fallen arches. 

There are a wide range of foot structures in the body, with some people having high arches, medium arches or low arches. Having low arches is relatively common, and for many it doesn’t result in any pain or impaired movements. However, for others, flat feet can result in an increased chance of pain and injuries. This can be even more likely if you throw the repetitive stresses involved with running into the mix. 

Benefits of orthotic insoles for runners with flat feet 

The goal of insoles for flat feet is to provide increased arch support, ideally combined with other corrections, to promote more natural foot mechanics. Since everyone has slightly different mechanics and structure, many people with flat feet turn to custom-made orthotic insoles to find the following benefits: 

  • A custom fit
  • Increased durability
  • More comprehensive support
  • Longer-lasting comfort
  • A natural stride

These benefits of custom insoles can be particularly important for runners with flat feet. Store-bought insoles in big-box retail settings very often take a one-size-fits-all approach and are made with flimsier materials that can’t stand up to the rigors of regular running. 

Biocorrect insoles are designed for the needs of runners

Biocorrect Custom Foot Orthotics Lab and our experts custom-craft an entire range of orthotic insoles that are made to help people from all walks of life. From elite athletes to retirees, we have a solution that can help you achieve your lifestyle goals — whether you’re jogging around the block or training for a marathon. If you’ve been diagnosed with flat feet, we have high-quality ready-made insoles and fully custom orthotics that can help you. For your convenience, we offer an at-home moldable foam impression kit that allows you to fit yourself for fully custom orthotics without leaving your house. 

Want to learn more and find the insole that’s right for you? Visit our online store today.